V-am zis ca m-am apucat sa joc poker?E terapeutic.
De ce e fain?Pentru ca e ca viata...one minute you're up, the next you're rock bottom.Si s-a dovedit a fi izvor nesecat de inspiratie, poate pentru ca e o metafora evidenta a vietii,duh.
A "to the Queen of hearts is the Ace of sorrow" (Joan Baez)
B "just like a chick in the casino,take your bank before I pay you out" (Lady Gaga)
C "the only god I need is the Ace of Spades" (Motorhead)
D "You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em,
Know when to walk away and know when to run.
You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table.
There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done." (Kenny Rogers)
E "I'll see you, I'll call you, I'll raise you, but it's no cheap thrill."(Suzanne Vega)
F "She gave me the Queen
She gave me the King
She was wheelin' and dealin'
Just doin' her thing
She was holdin' a pair
But I had to try
Her Deuce was wild
But my Ace was high
But how was I to know
That she'd been dealt with before
Said she'd never had a Full House
But I should have known
From the tattoo on her left leg
And the garter on her right
She'd have the card to bring me down
If she played it right
She's got the Jack"
"Poker face was her name
Poker face was her nature
Poker straight was her game
If she knew she could get you
She play'd 'em fast
And she play'd 'em hard
She could close her eyes
And feel every card
But how was I to know
That she'd been shuffled before
Said she'd never had a Royal Flush
But I should have known
That all the cards were comin'
From the bottom of the pack
And if I'd known what she was dealin' out
I'd have dealt it back" (AC DC)
Astea mi-au venit mie in cap.
Ajutati-ma sa fac un top 10 si primiti grande cado: o runda de poker online cu mine:))
9 comentarii:
lol, ce ne-am potrivit azi cu postarile vizavi de filosofia pokerului :))
bai, la melodii nu ma pricep, dar un poker cu tine as juca oricand :)
ma gasesti pe pokerstars :)roguespades.te astept oricand la masa.mai joc si pe full tilt da mai rar
Eu sunt pe full tilt doar. Chupacabra5 :))
pai hai....ca nu te gasesc,ia-ti o masa ca vin dupa tine.pe full tilt s geo sutu
momentan m-am inscris la ala freeroll pe romania. stai ca te caut.
gata, m-am bagat si la o masa pe bani virtuali. search me :)
Un coleg de liceu si-a pierdut la cazino banii de costum de la balul de absolvire. Ce-i frumos cu pacanelele e ca nu stii cand si de unde se iteste gherla. Sa vezi cum o sa te inconvoaie zaibul din motive de pokereala. E si asta un sentiment dat dracului, chiar mai profund decat povestea aia de cateva articole mai in fata cu ce ai facut cel mai de kko din motive de iubire arzanda.
iulica,mare adevar graiesti:)
sa ne rugam la dumnezeu, poate ne trece :)))
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